
Hoechst 33342

Hoechst 333nucleic acid stain is a popular cell-permeant nuclear counterstain that emits blue fluorescence when bound to dsDNA. Hoechst 333nucleic acid stain is a popular cell-permeant nuclear counterstain that emits blue fluorescence when bound to dsDNA. Les colorants Hoechst font partie de la famille des colorants à l’aide de marqueurs fluorescents utilisés pour marquer l’ADN.

Ces composés, de la famille des bisbenzimides, ont été initialement développés par Hoechst AG qui numérotait ses créations. Ainsi, le Hoechst 333est le composé no 333développé par cette . Hoechst_stainEn cachePages similairesTraduire cette pageHoechst stains are part of a family of blue fluorescent dyes used to stain DNA. These Bis-benzimides were originally developed by Hoechst AG, which numbered all their compounds so that the dye Hoechst 333is the 33342nd compound made by the company.

En cachePages similairesTraduire cette pageSigma-Aldrich offers Sigma-Aldrich-B226 bisBenzimide H 333trihydrochloride for your. Bisbenzimide Hoechst 333is a specific stain for. AT-rich regions of double-stranded DNA and has been shown to displace several known DNA intercalators.

Description: Hoechst 333(bisBenzimide H333trihydrochloride) is. Cellular Dyes for studying Hoechst in the Companion Products research area. Hoechst 333can also be used to stain fixed cells by substituting Hoechst 333for DAPI in the protocol described in Labeling Nuclear DNA Using DAPI . PureBlu Hoechst 333Nuclear Staining Dye is a highly pure formulation of.

Hoechst 333fluorescent dye (Figure 1) packaged in a user-friendly format. Use PureBlu Hoechst 333Dye for routine nuclear staining in fluorescence microscopy and cell imaging applications. The Hoechst 333dye is similar to DAPI in that both are UV-excite minor groove-binding, and emit signals proportional to total DNA content.

Hoechst 333is fluorescent probe useful for detecting DNA by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Hoechst 333may be used on live or fixed cells . Phototoxicity of Hoechst 333in time-lapse fluorescence . Note that the ability to discriminate Hoechst SP cells is based on the differential efflux of. The Double Stain Apoptosis Detection Kit (Hoechst 33342/PI) provides a rapid and convenient assay for apoptosis based upon fluorescent detection for the . View and buy high purity Hoechst 333from Tocris Bioscience, the leading worldwide supplier of high performance life science reagents. Use PureBlu Hoechst 333Dye for routine nuclear staining in Cell Imaging applications and Fluorescence Microscopy.

It is available as a ready-to-reconstitute . A promising and increasingly exploited property of hematopoietic stem cells is their ability to efflux the fluorescent dye.